About Our Facility

Yelverton Bio industries is a fully independent liquid waste processing facility located in Dunsborough, Western Australia. Servicing the whole of the South West of Western Australia the plant is diverse to receive a wide range of liquid wastes.


Yelverton Bio Industries meets a district need for wastewater treatment, as currently the other disposal point for winery wastewater is in Mandurah, WA. With an increasing demand in environmentally sustainable options and the need to reduce transportation and fuel costs, we strive to develop long-term relationships with all our suppliers and clients to allow for the best value for money and the best option for the environment.

With the rapid population growth of the region the local waste water disposal facilities are reaching maximum levels, Yelverton Bio provides an essential need for an alternative environmentally sound waste water treatment facility in the area. Western Australia is experiencing a known change in climate. Rainfall in the South West of Western Australia has become more unreliable. This, combined with population growth, has placed a great deal of pressure on existing traditional sources of water for domestic, industrial and agricultural use. By recycling the water we provide a circular economy.

Winery waste water is a known pollution problem in the area, with 8L of water required to produce 1 bottle of wine. Our facility provides wineries an option to maintain and/or increase their manufacturing capacity by “piggybacking” onto the Yelverton Bio Industries waste water treatment licence. This not only protects the environment, it allows wine manufacturers to either start manufacturing without the expense of a waste water treatment plant on site. Or for existing wineries wishing to increase their production but are unable to because their waste water treatment system is at maximum capacity.

The Department of Health have issued a licence under Part V of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 for our site to receive a maximum of 5 mega litres (ML) per annum of waste water. We treat the water using a custom designed enclosed system with irrigation of final treated wastewater to the existing floriculture farm. Solids from the process are composted on site (under existing approvals from the City of Busselton) for use on the premises. The irrigation area comprises 18ha of floriculture plantings and are managed in accordance with the hydraulic and nutrient receiving capacity of the site. The floriculture operation is owned by Mr. Duncan Wood and operates under the name Nubloom Pty Ltd.

Solid waste, odour and noise are managed to minimise any potential impacts. An Operations, Odour & Nutrient Management Plan has been developed for the Plant by Aurora Environmental. Aurora Environmental has implemented a comprehensive range of quality control measures on all aspects of the company’s operation. Outcomes of a site investigation and process planning indicate that if recommendations in this management plan are implemented, the facility and premises will successfully manage the volumes and quality of waste water without negatively impacting on the local environment or the amenity of the surrounding land users.

Suppliers of waste water to our treatment plant will include:

  • Winery operators
  • Transporters that remove septage from septic tanks
  • Transporters for industrial wash waters, vegetable and food processing waste (e.g. lees) and stormwater
  • Other licensed waste water providers.

Only trucks operated by licensed Controlled Waste transporters will be accepted at the facility.
Suppliers will be expected to be familiar with relevant acts, regulations, policies, codes of practice and guidelines relevant to the use of recycled water.

Contact Us To Learn More
Yelverton Bio Industries night drone shot
Nubloom Flowers
Nubloom Flowers
Rain drop


Our facility is located at Lot 10 (No. 388) Yelverton North Road in the locality of Yallingup Siding in the City of Busselton, Western Australia. We’re 16km south-west of Busselton, 11km south of Dunsborough and 27km north of Margaret River.

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PO Box 1070 Dunsborough WA

08 9750 5168

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